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Our big-to-small process leads to just right.

Our process starts at 30,000 feet. We get an overall view, and with every step, get more specific—until it’s exactly right. Every why has an answer. Every decision is driven by the one before it. For residential and commercial clients, our process differs slightly—but it is always rooted in the same logical foundation.

1 – Discovery.

Simply put, we uncover everything we need to do our job well. This takes time. It starts with lots of questions, and it with measurements and photographs. We walk away from this step with a detailed understanding that will firmly root everything that comes next: on-point designs, smooth implementation, and a powerful result.

2 – Design development.

Based on our detailed understanding, we start to synthesize ideas and information into a direction. We lay out visual options based on who you are, how you want to be perceived, and how the space will function. Together, we determine which concept to pursue. Next, we design and revise until the look, feel, and specific details are ready to drive the next step.

3 – Implementation.

Because we’ve taken every step with you—from overall concept to design direction—implementation is where we see this story take shape and come to life. The thinking, the direction, and everything you’ve already seen in the previous stage becomes tangible.

See how our combination of logical and creative can help you.

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